Albany grade and high-school in the 1940's.
It doesn't look like this now, a big gymnasium and auditorium has been added to the front of the building and a separate grade-school has been built.
Albany High-School football team of 1947.
Their team won the Grand River Conference that year and Red Newman (my husband) and his brother David Newman were both elected to be on the Grand River Conference team.
Albany High-School� Pep Squad of 1947-48
Second cheerleader from the left is Nadine Stark.
Albany Community Center where many reunions and conferences are held. The football field and track are close by.
The Rigney Theatre
This was the showplace in Gentry County for motion pictures and also functioned as an opera house. It has been in continuous operation since 1915. The Rigney was owned and operated by Lester and Maude Robinson for half a century.

In the 1940's, the movies changed pictures twice a week. Red and I probably took in every movie sitting upstairs in the balcony in our dating days.
Gentry County Courthouse in Albany.
We kids use to sit around in the courthouse yard and visit and have the most fun in the 1940's.
After four years of dating Red and I were married November the 6 of 1948 and left Albany. We lived in several cities before retiring in 1992 and coming back to Albany. This is where we live now. In the 40's we loved the Big Bands and the music of "In the Mood" by Glenn Miller was one of our favorites.� "In the Mood" is the background music for this page.
(Poem by 12 year old Rowland boy)
A Tribute to Lawrence Stark
Red & Nadine
Our dating days. Notice penny loafers which had Lincoln head pennies in them. Baggy blue jeans rolled up to the calf of my leg, and the big fad of the forties was a big, square tea towel made into a triangle and worn over your head. Picture taken in front of Hanson's Barber Shop. The building no longer stands and has been gone for quite some time.